How we produce and use energy contributes significantly to climate change. Electricity generation alone represents 25% of the total GHG emissions in the US and globally. Moving to sustainable energy is critical to decarbonization and achieving net zero.
In this track, we explore the typical journey organizations undertake when transitioning towards sustainable energy. We cover the tangible steps that organizations take towards decarbonization and net-zero by addressing energy use and electricity procurement.
We also introduce more advanced topics of how organizations come to understand their baseline energy use and carbon footprint, and the role of target-setting, policy, and industry standards in making decarbonization a priority.
Big Opportunities
Support decarbonization targets: Tap the momentum to advocate for net zero ambitions. Understand your organization’s internal and external stakeholders to galvanize support.
Prioritize energy efficiency: Opportunities include no-cost, high ROI and capital cost options, from turning off lights by hand or with motion sensors to replacing heating oil with heat pumps.
Promote switch to sustainable energy: Source low-carbon electricity, such as roof-based solar installed on site, or purchase renewable energy.
Understand your carbon footprint: Advocate for a GHG inventory. Understand your energy use, where and how you source the energy, and how to account for the related carbon footprint.
Get engaged: Advocate for policies that support greening the grid and incentivize energy efficiency, with attention to environmental justice, inclusion and equity.
Explore: Readings
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