Guide to Hosting
This page provides a general guide for hosts/teachers (anyone who has previously completed an EcoActUs Workshop) who are planning to present an EcoActUs Sustainability Leadership Training Workshop. The guide is divided into Planning & Preparation, Kick Off Meeting, Breakout Session Planning, and Follow-up.
Workshop Planning
Setting up the Workshop for a group session
email the request to info@EcoActUs.org. Please include your name, when you took the Workshop, the name, city and state of your group and how many people you are inviting. Identify a start date for the Workshop.
You will receive an invitation email you can forward to invitees. Invitees can begin the course (eWorkbook) immediately. But to gain full benefit it is valuable for the Host to organize one or more Networking sessions.
A Host needs to be selected to manage the Workshop process (and this person may also facilitate the small group discussions) -- this can by you, or someone from the organization
Networking Zoom meetings need to be scheduled and set up -- as many as you desire, on the schedule the group desires
Remind participants to view the Help video(s)
The participants should self-pace through the material
You or the instructor/host may want to schedule a closing meeting, but it is not necessary. In any case invite participants to view the Closing Video on-line.
Repeat -- invite others!
Planning & Preparation
Determine who will lead the event
Host or Facilitator is the person(s) selected to manage the process, including the Networking Session(s).
Facilitator, if needed, is a person helping during the Networking Session(s)
For questions, email info@EcoActUs.org
Identify break out facilitators (the Host may act as the Facilitator)
Create a schedule. Creating a start date may help some better organize. Going through the eWorkbook as a group is sometimes helpful. However, individuals will likely proceed at their own pace.
For an organization or team using the Workbook to complete their plan, you may want to finalize and announce an evaluation date (approximately 3 months after the end of the Workshop).
Ask participants to review the "Participant's Guide". They should download the Pre-Work Exercises and watch the orientation videos in advance of the Workshop start date.
Local Marketing/Recruitment
Send informational email to potential attendees
The instructor should email occasionally to remind potential attendees about any potential start date and date/times for Networking Discussions. Of course, Hosts may also organize organization-specific meetings (Zoom or otherwise) to discuss the Action Plan.
Workshop Kickoff
Host may have a Zoom session (or in-person if organized that way) OR ask participants to view the Instructional material and videos on the "Participant's Guide".
Workshop program information & introduction
Review the Pre-Work & Full Exercises (Powerpoint)
Review the orientation videos
Schedule Networking Sessions
Date(s) & review with attendees
Completion requirements
Host's Introduction Slide Show Sample (keynote)
(click icon to left to download)
Host's Introduction Slide Show Sample (Keynote)
(click icon to left to download)
Host's Introduction Slide Show Sample (PowerPoint)
(click icon to left to download)
Workshop Networking Sessions
Facilitator(s) will host the Networking Session(s)
Networking Session(s)
Cover the material you want to discuss (e.g., eWorkbook Sessions 1 & 2)
Provide “prompt” questions for discussion (a few sample
questions are provided below) -
You may want to give students a template for SWOT analysis
to fill in during the Session (see link to right)
Recommended Networking Session Guide
Most Workshops will have one or more networking sessions, spaced about a week apart, helping participants share their progress and get advice from other participants. The Facilitator should setup a Zoom meeting (or other suitable site) and start the meeting. Depending on the number of attendees, breakout rooms may be utilized.
Here is an agenda recommendation (download more detailed guide below) for the Facilitator of a Networking Session...
Introduction by Facilitator (3-5 min)
Introductory Remarks
Group Agreements
If more than about 8 participants, utilize Breakout Room(s) to create manageable group sizes
Review Breakout Room strategy (about 45 minutes with about 5-7 people per room)
Participant introductions (1 min each) [in breakout rooms if using]
Room participants to discuss questions divided into two parts (THE WHY and THE WHAT)
Return to the Main Group, ask if anyone wants to share their discussion (5 minutes max)
Facilitator closing remarks
Example Questions for Breakout Groups
Our intention is for this smaller group discussion is to let people share in their progress and ask questions about that progress, or lack thereof.
THE WHY (Networking session 1)
Personal introductions
Organizations/individual actions you have influence over
Why do you want your organization to be more sustainable?
What is your vision for your organization being a more sustainable organization (how will it look in 3-5 years)?
THE WHAT (Networking session 2)
SWOT analysis
Identify 1-3 Strengths: sustainable actions that your organization is already taking
Identify 1-3 Weaknesses: material impact : resource consumption, main sources of pollution (including CO2) caused by your organization
Identify 1-3 Opportunities raised by the transition of the problem for your organization
Identify 1-3 Threats: risks caused by the transition to sustainability
Who is or could be a supporter of sustainability in your organization? Consider roles & performance goals, as well as informal influencers (from eWorkbook Session 3)
Who is or might be resistant to sustainability in your organization? Why? (from eWorkbook Session 3)
Given your organization's stage of maturity, stakeholders and other characteristics, what is the best way to frame this issue to motivate action and overcome resistance?
How can you align with/connect with supporters?
Who might influence the opponents to either change their view or stay out of the fight?
Outline one sustainability SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound) for your organization. How does your SMART goal relate to your organization's motivations/goals?
Those who speak often should make space for other voices, while those who are more reserved should participate tothe fullest of their ability.
Share from your own experiences and don’t speak for others by using statements with “I” instead of “they,” “we,” and “you.”
Ask for clarity before challenging others’ positions. The goal of the conversation is to gain a deeper understanding of each other.
These conversations require participants to lean into discomfort rather than attempting to avoid it.
Attempt to assume the best when listening to others’ perspectives, rather than assuming the worst. Begin theseconversations on a positive note to create an open environment for discovery.
A statement can be offensive to others even if that was not the speaker’s intent. Acknowledge when your behaviorhas been offensive to a participant by listening to their response and accepting responsibility.
Disagreement is expected, so approach unexpected ideas with curiosity, not argument. If you disagree, respectfully debate and challenge ideas rather than attack the person.
We can't expect to fully resolve such complex issues within a short meeting. Gaining deeper understandingthrough these discussions represents progress.